Thursday, November 3, 2011

Mrs. Moser's Flyer Time Project: Bullying

Mrs. Moser's Flyer Time is investigating bullying. The kids typed out a survey and distributed to each of the flyer times this past Wednesday. It will be interesting to see the results. Here were the questions:

1. Have you ever been bullied?
2. Where does bullying occur the most in this school?
3. On a scale from one to ten, how bad do you think bullying is?
4. Have you ever witnessed bullying?
5. Have you ever told an adult about you or someone else being bullied?
6. Do you think there is a way to stop bullying? IF yes, then how?

Davis' Ninjas captured some thoughts on bullying. See below:


  1. its a good video and idea

  2. AGREED[; , i think bullying is terrible , like some girl said that was bulying my friend on facebook about the way she looks , it was just sad ...

  3. i think the same way i dont uderstand why older bullies pick on some one younger than them cuz whats the point of bullying on some one younger than them but is scared to pick on someone either there size or someone older than them that means there just scared and that is what makes a bully

  4. no bulling please stupied people

  5. bulying should stop good way to take a stand

  6. i think bullying is very bad

  7. Bulleying is terrible especially for kids// :(

  8. They should take bullying WAY more serious. I went up to an adult to tell them about a bullying problem and they said that "It was no big deal and I should get used to it because I'm in middle school."

  9. Ithink bulling is terrible. But i also think that rumors should stop going around. (: thanks!
